Hands-On Quire Workshop at
the University of Kansas

This hands-on workshop will serve as an introduction to Quire, an open-source publishing tool developed by Getty and available for anyone to use for free. Held in conjunction with the annual MCN conference at the University of Kansas, this workshop is free and open to all levels of technical experience. Attendance is limited to 25 participants. Boxed lunch will be provided.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Rock Chalk Room, Kansas Union, 4th Floor
University of Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas

12:00–1:30 p.m.Part 1: Introduction to Basic Concepts
1:30–2:00 p.m.Coffee Break & Troubleshooting
2:00–4:00 p.m.Part 2: Basic Concepts in Action + Opportunities to Go Deeper

Following these sessions, MCN kicks off with its famous Ignite event, 5:00 p.m. at the nearby Abe and Jake’s Landing. Paid conference registration required.

Part 1: Introduction to Basic Concepts

12:00–1:30 p.m.

Erin Cecele Dunigan, Quire Community Manager, and Greg Albers, Digital Publications Manager at Getty, will kick off the four-hour workshop by briefly introducing Quire and its many benefits. Part 1 will focus on introducing attendees to the basic concepts of how the tool functions, including learning to operate the command line and using a text editor to store content in Markdown.

Part 2: Basic Concepts in Action + Opportunities to Go Deeper

2:00–4:00 p.m.

The latter half of the day will see the concepts covered in Part 1 implemented. Attendees will be guided through setting up a new Quire project and editing content. The workshop will then dive deeper into storing data in YAML, adding images, using figure shortcodes, and making customizations. The goal is for participants to get comfortable navigating the tool so they feel confident and empowered to continue working independently after the workshop.

Participants must bring their own laptop and complete the necessary setup requirements before the workshop. Details will be provided after registering. Questions can be sent to quire@getty.edu.

About Quire

Quire is a free, open-source digital publishing tool developed by Getty to address challenges around the discoverability, longevity, and sustainability of online scholarly publications. Quire’s strength lies in transforming a single set of files into a dynamic and fully-featured website, downloadable PDF, e-book, and print-on-demand book. Quire excels at long-form, visually-rich publishing and is designed to be flexible and deeply customizable. A growing international community of academics, and arts and cultural heritage professionals are utilizing Quire to create everything from collection and exhibition catalogues to conference proceedings, journals, student research projects, and more. View them on the Quire community showcase.

MCN Ignite

5:00 p.m.
Abe and Jake’s Landing

Following the workshop, MCN’s annual conference kicks off the evening of October 22 with Ignite. This popular event is open to all MCN attendees. Paid conference registration required.

About MCN

MCN stands for Museum Computer Network. Founded in 1968, the organization’s mission is to grow the digital capacity of museum professionals by connecting them to ideas, information, opportunities, proven practices, and each other. The Annual Conference is MCN’s marquee event and draws over 600 cultural heritage professionals from museums, historic sites and visitor attractions in North America and beyond. Attendees come from all areas of practice, from IT to digital outreach and visitor engagement, to collections, conservation, archival, libraries, curatorial, education, marketing, and more.