Style Customization

Alter look and feel with custom styles and themes

Alter look and feel with custom styles and themes


Change the Theme Style Variables


Add Custom Styles


Add Custom Classes to Pages

Entire pages can be customized by adding a class to that page and then writing the CSS for it. Classes can be added to pages in the page YAML with the classes key.

  - my-custom-class

The value of classes is always a list, so more than one class can be applied.

  - page-one
  - my-custom-class

It can also be written in the abbreviated form.

classes: [page-one, my-custom-class]

All classes are added to the <main class="quire-page"> element on the page, which contains the page header and content area.

<main class="quire-page page-one my-custom-class">

Override Theme Templates