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Installing Quire on macOS

If you receive an error message that says “Error: EACCES: permission denied,” this is related to the ownership and permissions settings for the global node_modules directories that are installed with Quire. To fix this issue, run the following command and then try re-installing Quire:

sudo chown -R $(whoami) $(npm config get prefix)/{lib/node_modules,bin,share}

Quire Commands

Running quire build on Windows 10

This is a known bug. For updates please see GitHub Issue #626.

There is currently an issue with quire build on Windows 10. It is with one of Quire external dependencies and we are awaiting a fix. In the meantime, there is a workaround. In the node_modules/@11ty/eleventy-plugin-vite/EleventyVite.js file in your project, add await fsp.rm(tmp, { recursive: true, force: true }); between lines 51 and 52. And then on line 63 of the same file, change path.sep to /. Save the changes and quire build should work as expected.

Running quire new on macOS

If you’re a Mac user and receive an error message that references “Developer/CommandLineTools” that means you need to install Apple Xcode, a set of developer tools for your Mac. Run the command xcode-select --install. It may take a few minutes to install. Once install is complete, try creating a new project again.

Other Issues

Working with Very Large Projects

This is a known bug. For updates please see GitHub Issue #748.

The following error has been seen in projects with a lot of individual Markdown files, a lot of large images, or a lot of shortcode usage. It is caused by Node.js running out of memory while trying to process the project files.

FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory

The fix is to increase the amount of memory allocated to Node.js using your command-line shell.

  1. Determine the amount of memory on your machine. On macOS, go to the Apple () menu and select “About This Mac” and look for Memory. On Windows, go to “About your PC” and look for Installed RAM.

  2. Convert the amount you want to allocate from GB to MB by multiplying the GB number by 1024. You want to allocate as much as you can to Node while leaving a modest portion for other processes. If you have 16GB of memory try allocating 12GB to Node, which would be 12288.

  3. Open your command line shell, change directory (cd) into your project, and enter the following line to set the value temporarily in your project using the MB amount from the step above.


    export NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=12288


    $env:NODE_OPTIONS = '--max-old-space-size=12288'
  4. Run quire preview

If the error persists try allocating more memory by repeating Step 3 with a larger number. To a maximum of about a half a GB less than your total memory.

Setting the NODE_OPTIONS in this way will only persist as long as you have the same command-line session running. You will need to use the above export/$env command each time you close and re-open the command-line shell to work on your large project.

Additionally, if you are using an automated deploy service like Netlify to publish your site, you will also need to increase the memory allocation there.

  1. In Netlify, go to Site Configuration and then Environment Variables.
  2. Click “Add a variable”.
  3. Under Key, add NODE_OPTIONS and under Values, add --max-old-space-size=49152 (Netlify isn’t limited by a personal computer memory size so we recommend using a larger number to make deploy faster.)
  4. Click “Create variable” to save it.
  5. Trigger a new deploy.
  • If you encounter a bug that does not have a solution or workaround addressed in this section, please visit our GitHub Issue Tracker. First, check to see if your bug has been reported by another user and if not, please fill out our bug report form. For more information, see our Bug Reporting Instructions.